Tuesday 19 April 2011

Standards of Living

April 18th - Block 2.2
April 19th - Block 1.3

In today's lesson we looked at standards of living. We started an assignment which involved creating a T-chart describing what a high standards of living looks like as compared to a low one. A completed T-chart (in the form of the one below) is due next day.

For each section of the T-chart you need to have the straightforward answer and then four more points on what a society would look with respect to the given indicator.

Standards of Living T-Chart

High Standard of Living
Low Standard of Living
Literacy Rate
Straightforward Answer: Lots of people can read
Inferred Answer: There are a lot of universities, many people receive a post-secondary education, etc.

Life Expectancy

Gross Domestic Product

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • standard of living
  • per capita
  • indicator
  • life expectancy
  • literacy rates
  • gross domestic product
  • UN human development index

Homework: Complete the Standards of Living T-chart. Read pages 210 to 213 in the workbook. Do not forget that Exercise #6 needs to be handed in, if you haven't already done so get this assignment in asap!

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