Saturday 9 April 2011

Demographic Transition Model and Doubling Time

April 8th - Block 2.2
April 11th - Block 1.3

Dearest students,

In class we covered the Demographic Transition Model and Doubling Time. There was no powerpoint presentation so if you are looking for notes make sure you ask one of your friends to help you out! I handed out two things in this class, one being a worksheet for the Demographic Transition Model. The other being a worksheet booklet on Population Pyramids (being covered next day.) Please see me for these handouts as I am unable to post them online (copyright laws.)

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • net migration rate
  • doubling time
  • demographic transition model
  • rule of 70
Homework: Read pages 192-197 in the workbook. Get started on the Population Pyramids worksheet booklet.

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