Monday 25 April 2011

Development and Poverty

Block 2.2 - April 20th
Block 1.3 - April 21st

Dearest students,
Today in class each table created their own overhead slide based on a specific part of the textbook and presented this to the class. (Please note, I only took a couple of slides from each class.)

Terms to know:
  • United Nations Development Program
  • United Nations Human Development Report
  • traditional economies
  • developing economies
  • developed economies
  • poverty
  • necessity
  • want
  • poverty trap
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Structural Adjustment Policies
  • The World Bank

Homework: For next week please read pages 214 to 220. Things that should already be handed in include: Exercise #6 and the Standards of Living T-chart. Also there is a worksheet due next class called Standards of Living Acronyms.

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