Thursday 14 April 2011

Population Problems .....and Solutions?

April 14th - Block 2.2
April 15th - Block 1.3 (Imaginary Lesson - Even though we have a Pro D Day on Friday you still need to cover this material on your own time.)

For the first part of the lesson we watched a video on China's One Child Policy:

Video is made by Journeyman Pictures and is available on youtube.

The rest of the lesson is available on the power point presentation: Population Problems. (The powerpoint is based on one created by Mr.Benoy.)

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • Thomas Malthus
  • China's One Child Policy

Homework: Study for the quiz next week! April 18th for Block 2.2 and April 19th for Block 1.3. The quiz may cover anything that we covered in class or anything on this blog. Make sure you are familiar with the terms we did not cover in class. You should also complete Exercise #6, it will help you study for the quiz!

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