Wednesday 6 April 2011

A Geographer's Tool Kit....Plus Some Population Rates

April 6th - Block 2.2
April 7th - Block 1.3

Dearest students,

In this lesson we took a close look at what a census is and what information it can give. The following video is an example of how the American government uses its census data:

Please click on the following link to view the power point presentation that we had in class: Power Point Presentation. (This power point presentation is based on one created by K. Benoy

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • ·       census
    ·         urban
    ·         rural
    ·         population density
    ·         vital statistics
    ·         fertility
    ·         mortality
    ·         rate of natural increase
    ·         population structure
    ·         cohort group
    ·         population change
    ·         immigration
    ·         emigration
    ·         push-pull factors

Homework: Complete the Using Census Data worksheet and read pages 192-914 for next class.

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