Monday 25 April 2011

Development and Poverty

Block 2.2 - April 20th
Block 1.3 - April 21st

Dearest students,
Today in class each table created their own overhead slide based on a specific part of the textbook and presented this to the class. (Please note, I only took a couple of slides from each class.)

Terms to know:
  • United Nations Development Program
  • United Nations Human Development Report
  • traditional economies
  • developing economies
  • developed economies
  • poverty
  • necessity
  • want
  • poverty trap
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Structural Adjustment Policies
  • The World Bank

Homework: For next week please read pages 214 to 220. Things that should already be handed in include: Exercise #6 and the Standards of Living T-chart. Also there is a worksheet due next class called Standards of Living Acronyms.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Standards of Living

April 18th - Block 2.2
April 19th - Block 1.3

In today's lesson we looked at standards of living. We started an assignment which involved creating a T-chart describing what a high standards of living looks like as compared to a low one. A completed T-chart (in the form of the one below) is due next day.

For each section of the T-chart you need to have the straightforward answer and then four more points on what a society would look with respect to the given indicator.

Standards of Living T-Chart

High Standard of Living
Low Standard of Living
Literacy Rate
Straightforward Answer: Lots of people can read
Inferred Answer: There are a lot of universities, many people receive a post-secondary education, etc.

Life Expectancy

Gross Domestic Product

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • standard of living
  • per capita
  • indicator
  • life expectancy
  • literacy rates
  • gross domestic product
  • UN human development index

Homework: Complete the Standards of Living T-chart. Read pages 210 to 213 in the workbook. Do not forget that Exercise #6 needs to be handed in, if you haven't already done so get this assignment in asap!

Sunday 17 April 2011


Dearest students,

As a reward for all students who are checking out this blog, I am posting two questions that will be on the quiz. One question will be from Version A of the quiz and another question will be from Version B. You may be getting Version A or Version B of the quiz so it is in your best interest to prepare for both questions.

What is the formula for calculating doubling time? (1 mark)

What is the formula for the dependency ratio? (1 mark)

Good Luck!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Population Problems .....and Solutions?

April 14th - Block 2.2
April 15th - Block 1.3 (Imaginary Lesson - Even though we have a Pro D Day on Friday you still need to cover this material on your own time.)

For the first part of the lesson we watched a video on China's One Child Policy:

Video is made by Journeyman Pictures and is available on youtube.

The rest of the lesson is available on the power point presentation: Population Problems. (The powerpoint is based on one created by Mr.Benoy.)

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • Thomas Malthus
  • China's One Child Policy

Homework: Study for the quiz next week! April 18th for Block 2.2 and April 19th for Block 1.3. The quiz may cover anything that we covered in class or anything on this blog. Make sure you are familiar with the terms we did not cover in class. You should also complete Exercise #6, it will help you study for the quiz!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Population Pyramids and the Dependency Ratio

April 12th - Block 2.2
April 13th - Block 1.3

Dearest students,

For this class we looked at population pyramids and the dependency ratio. These are very important topics as there is always a provincial exam question on population pyramids and there is almost always one on dependency as well. Also please be advised that there will be a quiz next week, see below for more information.

Please note: In your Workbook the example of an early expanding population pyramid (Kenya 1985) is incorrect. Please put a giant 'X' through it and refer to the population pyramid shapes on your handout or in your Counterpoints textbook.

The following population pyramid is for Canada in 2006:

If you didn't make it to class today, here's what you need to do in the population pyramid handout.

Exercise #4:
  • For question #1, do not calculate the actual population percentages, only hypothesize what they may be. 
  • For question #2, choose two municipalities and create population pyramids for those. 
  • There is no question #3. 
  • For question #4, compare your two population pyramids and answer all of the questions except for part 'e'. Answer in point form.

Exercise #5 - Complete all questions. Answer in point form.

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • population pyramids (PP)
  • early expanding PP
  • expanding PP
  • stable PP
  • contracting PP
  • developing region
  • dependency
  • dependency ratio

  • Read pages 198-199 in the Workbook. Topics covered in this reading: Problems of Exponential Growth, China's One Child Policy, Birth Control.
  • Study for Quiz! Will cover pages 187 to 199 in Workbook, anything discussed in class and any important terms listed on this blog.
    • Block 2.2 - Quiz will be on April 18th.
    • Block 1.3 - Quiz will be on April 19th.
  • Complete exercises #4 and #5 in population pyramids handout. There will be a homework check next class.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Demographic Transition Model and Doubling Time

April 8th - Block 2.2
April 11th - Block 1.3

Dearest students,

In class we covered the Demographic Transition Model and Doubling Time. There was no powerpoint presentation so if you are looking for notes make sure you ask one of your friends to help you out! I handed out two things in this class, one being a worksheet for the Demographic Transition Model. The other being a worksheet booklet on Population Pyramids (being covered next day.) Please see me for these handouts as I am unable to post them online (copyright laws.)

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • net migration rate
  • doubling time
  • demographic transition model
  • rule of 70
Homework: Read pages 192-197 in the workbook. Get started on the Population Pyramids worksheet booklet.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

A Geographer's Tool Kit....Plus Some Population Rates

April 6th - Block 2.2
April 7th - Block 1.3

Dearest students,

In this lesson we took a close look at what a census is and what information it can give. The following video is an example of how the American government uses its census data:

Please click on the following link to view the power point presentation that we had in class: Power Point Presentation. (This power point presentation is based on one created by K. Benoy

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:
  • ·       census
    ·         urban
    ·         rural
    ·         population density
    ·         vital statistics
    ·         fertility
    ·         mortality
    ·         rate of natural increase
    ·         population structure
    ·         cohort group
    ·         population change
    ·         immigration
    ·         emigration
    ·         push-pull factors

Homework: Complete the Using Census Data worksheet and read pages 192-914 for next class.

Sunday 3 April 2011

April 4/5 - What is Human Geography? AND Introduction to Population and Demography.

Block 2.2 - April 4th
Block 1.3 - April 5th

Dearest students,

We only have 8 classes to cover a massive amount of material so make sure you are checking this website often for updates and information on what will be happening in class.

To view the power point presentation we had in class click on the following link: power point presentation.

For every lesson I will have a list of important terms to know. I may not cover all of these terms in class but you should still develop an understanding of what they mean. Look in your Workbook for terms you're not familiar with. For this lesson the important terms to know are:

  • human geography
  • interconnectedness
  • global village
  • population
  • demography
  • exponential population growth

Homework: Read pages 187 to 191 in the Workbook.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Hello Students!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at